Basic Life Support and Rights of Good Samaritan

First Responder

The First Responder is the first and vital link of a good Emergency Response System. First Responder can be any person or bystander who approaches the victim soon after the injury and offer him necessary help. First Responder should know basics of life saving techniques and first aid.

When dealing with road crashes which involve multiple injuries that a victim may suffer, there are certain precautions that needs to be taken care by the First Responders. These involve the following:

  1. Shout for help and gather people. It is a good idea to take help from others as it will be difficult to administer proper first aid alone.
  2. Take the victim to a safer place, away from road and the moving traffic. This is known as scene safety.
  3. While transferring the victim to safe place, ensure stabilization of spine and cervical.