Stopping is as Important as Accelerating
Just like accelerating, stopping a vehicle correctly also plays an important role in promoting road safety. An experienced and skilled driver knows when, where and how to stop a moving vehicle. Thus, knowing how to stop safely and properly is an important driving skill. Safe and responsible drivers see stops ahead, check their mirrors, begin braking early and stop smoothly. Braking is easier when you sit properly. It is a good practice to drive within the prescribed speed limit on a road. Driving at the desired speed shall allow to anticipate any danger or abrupt situation arising on the road and gives ample time to stop the vehicle smoothly. Always keep in mind, never apply sudden and harsh brake to stop the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle coming behind you may not anticipate your sudden maneuver and may collide and lead to a serious road accident.
Stopping a Vehicle Mandatorily at Certain Situations
At certain locations or situations, it is mandatory for a driver to stop the vehicle, which may include the following:
- Where a "STOP" sign is displayed on a road.
- Before crossing the transverse "STOP" line preceding the "STOP" sign.
- When there is a traffic light showing the red traffic light.
- Where a police officer in uniform or any other authorised person is regulating the traffic at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection and showing the STOP signal the driver shall stop the vehicle before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing.
- When a vehicle has stopped in compliance to a "STOP" signal given by the police officer in uniform or any other authorized person, it shall not move further until a signal to proceed is given by the said officer or person.
Stopping for School Buses
All school buses are yellow in color and have words "School Bus" written prominently. On a two way road, traffic from both directions should stop at a safe distance when children are alighting from a school bus. Move after the bus has started moving. If you are coming from behind the bus, stop at least 20 meters away. Do not go until the bus moves or the lights have stopped flashing.
You must always pay attention when you observe a school bus is boarding or alighting school children on any road, irrespective to the number of lanes the road have and the posted speed limit whatever it may be. Always be prepared to stop for a school bus at any time, not just within school hours.
Not Stopping a Vehicle at Certain Situations
Unlike stopping there are certain situations where it is not recommended to stop the vehicle by a driver. These may include the following:
- At a place where the road is narrow or the view is obstructed.
- Near or on a sharp bend.
- In an acceleration or a deceleration lane.
- On, or five meters before, a pedestrian crossing.
- On a level crossing.
- Five meters or less before a traffic light signal or "Give Way" sign or "STOP" sign or if a stationary vehicle is likely to obstruct these signs from the view of other road users.
- At designated bus stands if the vehicle is other than a bus.
- On a yellow box marked on road.
- Where prohibited by a mandatory "No Stopping" sign.