Hand Signals

Hand Signals by the Drivers

In addition to various traffic signals that are installed on various junctions, median openings and merging of major and minor roads there are certain signals that are conveyed to the other road users by using gestures of hand. Hand signals can be classified into two categories such as Hand Signals given by the drivers and Hand Signals given by the Traffic Police. The Hand Signals are always given using right hand by drivers are described hereunder:

I Intend To Slow Down

I Intend to Move in to the Left or Turn Left

I Intend to Stop

I Intend to Move Out to the Right or Turn Right

Indicating the Car Following You to Overtake

Hand Signals by the Traffic Police

Various Hand Signals given by Traffic Police are depicted below:

To start one sided vehicles

To stop vehicles coming from front

To stop vehicles approaching from behind

To stop vehicles approaching from front and behind simultaneously

To start one sided vehicles

To stop vehicles approaching simultaneously from right and left

To start vehicle approaching from left

To start vehicles coming from right

To change sign

To start vehicles on T-Point