Vehicle Population
Number of Vehicles in Rajasthan
The vehicle population in Rajasthan as on March 2022 comprises total 1,71,74,784 vehicles which are registered in the VAHAN 4.0 (vehicle registration database). Out of the total vehicles the share of motorized two-wheelers is highest which 72.92%. After two-wheeler the percentage share of cars stands to 12.41%. The vehicle population statistics signifies that a majority of people are dependent on personal medium of transport for commuting. Lack of adequate public transport encourages traffic congestion on road and road crashes as well. According to the Statistical Year Book 2021-22 published by the Department of Transport and Road Safety, the status of vehicle population in Rajasthan as on 31st March 2022 is as follows:
S. No. | Vehicle Category | Population | Percentage Share |
1 | Two Wheelers | 1,25,24,664 | 72.92 |
2 | Three Wheelers | 2,25,950 | 1.32 |
3 | Maxi Cab | 1,27,510 | 0.74 |
4 | Cars | 21,31,612 | 12.41 |
5 | E Cart / E Rickshaw | 33,462 | 0.19 |
6 | Trailers | 1,24,528 | 0.73 |
7 | Buses | 83,562 | 0.49 |
8 | School Bus | 12,643 | 0.07 |
9 | Trucks | 6,40,733 | 3.73 |
10 | Ambulance | 9,111 | 0.05 |
11 | Tractors | 11,80,769 | 6.88 |
12 | Tractor Trolly | 11,473 | 0.07 |
13 | Construction Equipment | 45,426 | 0.26 |
14 | Others | 23,341 | 0.14 |
TOTAL | 1,71,74,784 | 100.00 |

Percentage Share of Vehicle Population in Rajasthan