Good Driver
Qualities of a Good Driver
A good driver comprises of a bunch of qualities such as behaviour, experience, skills and abilities to manage an emergency situations. Skills are inculcated with experience which developed with passage of time. There are certain qualities which must be imparted from the day one when he learns to drive such as behaviour, etiquette and attitude and more importantly respect for other road users. These qualities altogether play important role to develop a safe driving habits. Every driver needs to work upon developing this attitude. Good driving is comprised of a combination of activities such as - See, Think and Act. The quality of a good driver comprises of the following factors:
- Education: We are aware of the fact that there is lack of formal education system when it comes to driving. Majority of people learn driving from someone known, relative or a friend. This is an informal and unorganized approach as the person who is teaching also unaware of all aspects of driving. Therefore, it is essential that every individual shall learn driving with ample theory and practical. It is essential to identify a good driving training institute and learn driving in a formal and a professional manner.
- Mechanical Knowledge: The second step of education requires to gain insight of essential vehicle mechanics to become a good driver. When you know that how different parts of a vehicle function and what happens when controls are used, you develop a sense of sympathy with the vehicle. This will also help you gain confidence to deal with an emergency situation such as a mechanical failure and will help you becoming a good driver.
- Responsibility: A driver must have a proper concern for his own safety, his passengers and safety of other passengers as well. It is possible only when you concentrate on every change happening on the road. One should plan activities in such a way that it does not create danger or any kind of difficulty for others. Therefore, driving sensibly and with utmost responsibility matters a lot to be a good driver.
- Concentration: With responsibility driving requires extreme concentration regarding road traffic. A momentary mistake could lead to a fatal road crash. If the driver is experiencing fatigue or suffering from a disease, depression or over thinking then it affects the reaction time. In such situations driving is not recommended. With adequate concentration one can anticipate mistakes made by other drivers.
- Anticipation: The driver should be capable of anticipating the position and possible changes of the traffic running on the road. At times anticipating an advanced situation can help in prevention of road crashes.
- Patience: Do not get impatient or lose your temper when other drivers commit a mistake. If you do so, then you are preparing yourself to end in a situation or road rash. Never drive in a spirit of competition. Do not let your annoyance, even if justifiable; overcome your good sense and judgment. Present an example of your good human being to the society.
- Confidence: The degree of confidence in a driver is part of his attitude. New drivers are most vulnerable to such situations because confidence grows with experience. Whereas, over confidence can become a cause of accident.
Duties of Drivers and Riders (According to MVDR, 2017)
Several duties for drivers and riders have been defined in the Motor Vehicles Driving Regulations, 2017 which are described as follows:
Every driver shall at all times drive the vehicle with due care and caution.
The driver shall ensure that at the time of driving a vehicle, he is in full control of his physical and mental abilities and physically and mentally fully fit to drive a vehicle.
The driver shall at all times maintain a good lookout and concentrate on the road and the traffic and avoid any activity which distracts his attention.
The driver and the riders shall take special care and precautions to ensure the safety of the most vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, children, the elderly and the differently abled persons.
The driver shall ensure that his vehicle, while moving or when stationary, does not cause any hindrance or undue inconvenience to other road users or to the occupants of any properties.
The driver shall ensure that his view is not obstructed and his hearing is not impaired by passengers, animals, the load, equipment in the vehicle or by the condition of the vehicle.
The driver shall ensure that he and the other occupants of the vehicle wears seat belts, if provided in the vehicle.
The driver shall ensure that a child up to twelve years of age is seated in an appropriate child restraint system, wherever provided.
Wherever provided by or under the law, the rider of a motor cycle, with or without a side car, and the pillion rider and occupant of the side car shall wear protective head gear (helmet) or such other safety device as specified under any law for the time being in force.
The driver shall ensure that loud music is not played in the vehicle.
The driver shall not watch digital motion pictures or videos while driving, except where required for route navigation. Provided that the driver shall use a device for route navigation in such a manner as not to distract his attention from driving.
The driver shall strictly comply with the laws for the time being in force relating to prohibition on consumption of alcohol and drugs and smoking, and also ensure compliance thereto by the other crew, riders and passengers, if any.
The driver shall take care of himself and the passengers of the vehicle, when getting into or out of a vehicle so as to ensure his own safety and the safety of the other staff, the passengers and other road users.
The driver shall not, in any public place, drive a vehicle which, to his knowledge, has a defect, or which he could have discovered by exercising ordinary care, and on account of which defect the driving of the vehicle is likely to cause undue danger to the safety of the occupants of the vehicles or other road users.
If a technical defect is discovered in a vehicle while it is being driven, the driver shall take the vehicle off the road in the quickest possible manner. Provided that powered two wheelers may be pushed to safety in a situation of discovery of a technical defect during driving.
While riding or driving a motor cycle or a three wheeler, the driver or the rider shall not hold on to or push any other vehicle.
The driver of a motor cycle or a three wheeler shall at all times hold the handle bar with both hands except when signalling the manoeuvre.
The driver may take his feet off the pedals or foot rests only if the road conditions so require or safely permit.
Duties of Drivers and Owners (According to MVA, 1988)
In addition, there are several duties defined for drivers in Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, some important duties are summarised as below:
- Sec 130: Duty to produce license and certificate of registration.
- Sec 131: Duty of the driver to take certain precautions at unguarded railway level crossings.
- Sec 132: Duty of driver to stop in certain cases.
- Sec 133: Duty of owner of motor vehicle to give information.
- Sec 134: Duty of driver in case of accident and injury to a person.