Pollution Check
Norms of Vehicular Pollution Control
Air Pollution
Emission of harmful gases in the atmosphere is called as air pollution. The emission of these gases is mainly caused by motor vehicles and industries. Pollution is harmful for all living beings and the environment equally. The vehicle owner must ensure that his vehicle is maintained periodically to avoid any kind of harmful emission such as smoke, spark, and oil etc. that pollutes the surroundings.
According to section 115 of Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989, Every motor vehicle other than motor cycles of engine capacity not exceeding 70 CC, manufactured prior to the first day of March 1990, shall be maintained in such condition and shall be so driven so as to comply with the standards prescribed in these rules.
After the expiry of a period of one year from the date on which the motor vehicle was first registered, every such vehicle shall carry a valid “Pollution Under Control” (PUC) certificate issued by an agency authorized for this purpose by the State Government. The validity of the certificate shall be for six months and the certificate shall always be carried in the vehicle and produced on demand by the officers. The validity of the certificate shall be twelve months for the vehicles manufactured as per Bharat Stage IV norms or above. It is mandatory to keep the original PUC certificate with the vehicle while driving according to the Regulation 38 of the Motor Vehicles Driving Regulations, 2017.
According to the section 190(2) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 if any person drives or causes or allows to be driven, in any public place a motor vehicle, which violates the standards prescribed in relation to road safety, control of noise and air pollution is a punishable offence. In Rajasthan the penalty for violating the pollution norms are as follows:
For first offence:
- Rs. 500/- for Two Wheeled /e-rickshaw/Three Wheeled Motor Vehicles
- Rs. 1,000/- for Non-transport vehicle other than two wheeled and three wheeled Non- transport vehicle
- Rs. 1,500/- for LMV Transport (other than two wheeled / erickshaw/ three wheeled transport vehicle)
- Rs. 2,000/- for Medium/Heavy Transport vehicles
For Subsequent offence:
- Rs. 1,000/- for Two Wheeled/ e-rickshaw/ Three Wheeled Motor Vehicles
- Rs. 2,000/- for Non -transport vehicle other than two wheeled and three wheeled Non-transport vehicle
- Rs. 3,000/- for LMV Transport (other than two wheeled/e-rickshaw/three wheeled transport vehicle)
Rs. 4,000/- for Medium/Heavy Transport vehicles
Harmful Effects of Pollution
Pollution is harmful for all especially for children, aged and pregnant woman. Air pollution caused by vehicles contaminate atmosphere by releasing elements like Carbon, Nitrogen Oxide, Sulfur-Dioxide, unburned Hydrocarbons, Lead, Ozone and particulates in the atmosphere. These emissions cause the following disorders:
Carbon's Oxide (CO, CO2) - Cancer, Hypertension, Vomiting.
Nitrogen's Oxide (NOx) - Breathing Disorders, Lung Infection, Eye Diseases etc.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) - Asthma, Lung Cancer.
Hydrocarbons - Irritation in eyes.
Lead - Mental Disorders, Anemia.
Particulate Elements - Asthma, Swelling in Lungs.
Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human life or bio diversity. The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines and transportation systems, motor vehicles, aircraft, and trains. Outdoor noise is summarized by the word environmental noise. Poor urban planning may give rise to noise pollution since side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in the residential areas.
High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans, a rise in blood pressure, and an increase in stress and vasoconstriction, and an increased incidence of coronary artery disease. In animals, noise can increase the risk of death by altering predator or prey detection and avoidance, interfere with reproduction and navigation, and contribute to permanent hearing loss.
Noise in Vehicles
As per central motor vehicle rule 120, every motor vehicle shall be fitted with a device called silencer.
No vehicle shall cause undue noise when in motion.
A vehicle, whose silencer is making a loud noise, is not permitted to be driven in a public place.
A vehicle should always be maintained in good condition, so that no parts of its body, generate extra noise.
Every motor vehicle shall be fitted with an electric horn. No vehicle shall be fitted with any multi-toned horn giving an unduly harsh, shrill, loud or alarming noise.
Bad Effects of Pressure Horns
Horns increase blood pressure and have bad effect on the heart.
Horns damage hearing power and cause digestion problems.
Horns cause irritation, tension and sleeplessness.
Horns cause serious disturbance to the sleeping children, patients and old persons.