Welcome to Road Safety Web Portal
An Initiative by State Road Safety Cell and RKCL
The State Road Safety Cell, Department of Transport and Road Safety, Government of Rajasthan is the Lead Agency for road safety initiatives to be taken in the state who directly reports to the Hon’ble Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety. Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL) is a public limited company established by the Government of Rajasthan. RKCL’s major functions involves promoting IT enabled education programs to develop computer skills in all sorts of educational institutions and Government Departments. Therefore, RKCL caters to a huge group of students studying in various affiliated centers across the state. The number of such students approximates to 6 lacs to 7 lacs every year.
Looking at this enormous reach, RKCL with the help of State Road Safety Cell, Department of Transport & Road Safety had earlier developed a short road safety education module to create awareness among students. The module has been made mandatory to attempt by all the students of RKCL. To continue the efforts being made in the area of road safety and to enhance outreach, RKCL has come forward with a unique idea of this Web Portal on Road Safety. The portal has been developed under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of RKCL wherein the State Road Safety Cell is acting as the knowledge partner. The Road Safety Web Portal is the first of its kind, state of the art portal in the nation to launched by State Road Safety Cell and RKCL. This portal includes plethora of information which is useful for public, stakeholder departments, agencies and professionals working in the field of road safety.
Benefits of Road Safety Web Portal
This portal includes plethora of information which is useful for public, stakeholder departments, agencies and professionals working in the field of road safety. The benefits offered by the web portal include the following:
Educate children about road safety in entertaining and interactive manner.
Create awareness among adult road users and educate them about road safety regulation, legislations, and other related issues.
Disseminate important information related to road safety through text and audio-visual mediums for various target groups.
Visualize road crash data in an interactive manner for the state of Rajasthan and individual districts.
Provide a platform for sharing important content for various road safety professionals.
Provide a self-paced learning facility for road safety issues for public.
Help all educational institutions to educate their students about road safety and related issues.
Fulfill the objectives defined in Rajasthan Road Safety Policy.
Utilize the Corporate Social Responsibility budget of RKCL for the social cause.
Road Crash Snapshot of Rajasthan (2023)
Rajasthan is the largest state in the country and accounts for around 10% of the total land area. More than ten thousand people die in approximately twenty-two thousand road crashes every year in Rajasthan. According to number of road crash fatalities, Rajasthan ranks fifth in the nation. The severity rate, i.e., deaths per hundred accidents, in the state is 47% which is very high as compared to the national severity rate. Total number of road crashes, injuries, deaths and daily average of fatalities reported in 2023 in Rajasthan is depicted below.

Take The Road Safety Pledge
I pledge, to the best of my ability, to be a law-abiding, courteous and responsible citizen at all times. I will always drive safely and will not cause any harm to other road users. I pledge that I will never drink or use drugs when driving, never use my cellphone or any item while driving that could distract me from the road. I will always wear safety gears be helmet or seatbelt. I will always drive in the specified speed limit and shall adjust my speed to the conditions, such as bad weather, reduced visibility. I will remain calm and tolerant of drivers even when they make mistakes. I will also respect other road users sharing the road space and I will keep my vehicle in a road worthy condition such that it shall not become cause of a road accident.