Good Samaritan

Who is Good Samaritan?

Hello Friends. Today we will learn about a very important topic and because it is related to our wellbeing and saving lives. Think of a situation, you are playing at home and you fell down and injured your leg and it starts bleeding. What will happen next? How your parents will react to the situation. You know the answer, they will give you first aid and check if the injury is severe they will take you to the hospital.

Now think of another scenario of a road crash where a person is badly injured. The situation will worsen if he is not accompanied with a relative, friend or a known. In this condition how will he get immediate help?

In such condition some bystander will stop and provide him help and if required he may also take him to the hospital or call the ambulance. So, any bystander who takes the accident victim to the nearest hospital or helps the victim by informing police or medical emergency is called as a Good Samaritan. In road crashes and other severe emergencies, it becomes very important to help the victim without wasting time otherwise it could be life threatening.